How Bilingual Brains Perceive Time Differently

A new study has found that what language you speak might alter your perception of time.

About agogo22

Director of Manchester School of Samba at
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6 Responses to How Bilingual Brains Perceive Time Differently

  1. Very interesting! I am sure that this is not only altering the perception of time, but also of other things.

    I am practically trilingual; German mother tongue, first foreign language English and my new language Danish for the last 25 years. I also learned French, in which I am somewhat fluent, Spanish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, Fijian and Tahitian (the last four I have, alas, almost completely forgotten, as I never had the opportunity to practice them). Oh, and I gave Sanskrit a try and learned Latin at school, but they aren’t spoken languages. I am a mess! 😉

    I sometimes don’t switch codes and mix the languages, especially when the other person speaks them too, pure laziness. I observed that I spoke English with a colleague when talking about work and politics, French about pastimes, travel, food etc. and German about religion and philosophy. Just a fun fact … 😉

    I knew a guy who was perfectly trilingual, no, quadrilingual, German, English, French and Spanish. He never mixed languages and spoke with perfect pronunciation and without (for me) detectable accent. That guy was/is a genius!

    Liked by 2 people

    • agogo22 says:

      I agree and think of languages as not so much a mindset, more palettes of different colours with which to paint my picture of what I see and thereby discover how it differs from others (or not).

      Sadly my language fluency is not what it was (same lack of opportunity to use them as you mentioned you have), but Portuguese for Brazilian music, German or French for various forms of wit, English (British) for everything else! Always wanted to learn a non European language but no opportunity (save an occasional hobby or interest in Kanji).
      Your story of the multilinguist with perfect pronunciation reminds me of a late friend of mine who was also multilingual but who spoke every tongue with a strong Liverpool accent. It didn’t seem to effect the comprehension of those he spoke to though…

      Liked by 2 people

  2. R Mead says:

    A little English “humor:” What is the word for a person who speaks two languages? A. bilingual.
    Three languages? A. trilingual. One language? American.
    I should have started by saying “English language humor.” The humor is more American than British.

    Liked by 1 person

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